Titanium straws & silicone tips

Over the last year or so, plastic straws seem to have become the poster child for waste and pollution. Some restaurants and fast food chains have switched over to paper straws, but they don’t last very long when sitting in a beverage. Plus let’s be honest, the production process for them can’t be that environmentally friendly with all of the energy and resources it takes to make them.

It’s been almost two years since we ordered our first set of titanium straws and silicone tips. Titanium straws are great, they don’t add any metallic flavor, they don’t rust, and they don’t allow mold and mildew growth like some of the other environmentally friendly straws do. Plus titanium straws will literally last forever.

We’ve even gotten accustomed to taking them with us on road trips or when we go out to eat. Now I’m not saying we never use single-use straws, but I would say we’ve drastically reduced our consumption of them and are much more conscientious about just mindlessly grabbing them when we go out.

There is one downside to titanium straws; when you have younger kids who tend to chew on the straws, the titanium ones are not going to be friendly on their teeth. Now, certainly, you can try to get your kids to not chew on the straws, but adding some silicone tips will at least make them a little friendly to the little ones.

We’ve found that the silicone straw tips last for about a year with the kids using them on their titanium straws. Over the course of the last two years, we’ve ordered tips twice. Once in a set of 10, and once in a set of 12. At under $0.50 a piece, I don’t think that’s too bad of an investment for a year’s worth of use.

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