Every woodworker needs some jigs to go along with their tools. This jig is one of my favorites to go with my table saw. This multi-purpose table saw fence sled has many uses, and because I’ve incorp...Read More
Have you ever needed to drill a hole in the end of small piece, or worse, a dowel? Or how about through the rounded face of the dowel? Neither of these is an easy task, unless you have a vise you can ...Read More
If you’ve ever made a picture frame, particularly using biscuits, you’ve probably ran into the challenge of holding two pieces together at the perfect 90° angle while the glue wood glue i...Read More
Here’s a simple alternative to some of your standard shop made circle cutting jigs. This circle cutting router jig is infinitely adjustable so you can make it to cut any size circle you choose. ...Read More
Almost every wood worker out there has at one time or another clamped and glued boards together to make a panel. A fairly simple and routine task, but one that can have fairly different results depend...Read More
If you’ve ever tried to use your bandsaw for resawing lumber, then you’re probably familiar with the need to be able to be able to pivot your material in order to account for blade movemen...Read More
A right angle corner clamping jig is an indispensable tool for any shop that produces any amount of projects with 90 degree miters. Building your own DIY right angle corner clamping jig is quick and...Read More
If you read read a lot of our DIY plans (or probably most any DIY plan these days), you’re going to see a lot of references to a Kreg pocket hole jig, or more commonly a “pocket hole jig...Read More