I have to say I think this repurposed, refinished buffet might be one of my favorites in the house. This buffet was a hand me down that somehow ended with my wife and I over 10 years ago and we kept bringing it with us every time we moved. We would ways say “we should paint this buffet”, but we would never get around to it.
Well, my wife finally decided enough was enough and she picked up the paint brush and just started painting.
She started with a coat of Aged Grey chalk paint, and then put on a top coat of Sailor Blue chalk paint. We both agreed that was a great combination, but that this buffet could use one more change.
We needed a better place to put our counter top microwave (which used to sit on top of this buffet). So we decided to take out the top two middle drawers and put our microwave in this piece instead of on top.
I started by pulling the hardboard off of the back, and then used a hand saw to “carefully” remove (OK, I may have also used a mallet) the divider between the two shelves. I then cut the hardboard down to just cover the back of the bottom drawer before reattaching. I wanted to ensure our microwave would have plenty of air circulation.
I also added a piece of 1/8″ luaun to the lower divider to provide a flat surface for our microwave to sit. Lastly, I took the hard wood fascia from front of the divider I removed and cut it into two pieces and attached them on either side of the microwave as filler strips. You’ll notice I recessed them about 1/4″ from the rest of the fascia just to add a little extra detail and depth to the piece.
My wife then finished painting this re-purposed buffet and coated it all with some DecoArt Americana Decor clear creme wax to give it a nice soft feel. She also cleaned the hardware with vinegar and Mother’s Aluminum Polish – they came out great too!
All in all, updating this piece probably took the two of us less than three hours combined. We really love this refinished buffet now, as it really brightens up this end of our kitchen.
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