If you like to entertain outside, and you have a bit of an open area that could use some furniture, maybe these outdoor pub table plans are just what you need. This entire table is built from nine 2×6 boards and only requires a few simple tools. You should be able to build the whole pub table in a weekend, maybe two depending on what type of finish you decide to use.
Materials Required / Rough Cut List
- 9 – 2×6 @ 8′ boards (see cut diagram below)
- 3″ exterior wood screws
- 2 1/2″ exterior grade pocket hole screws
- Exterior wood glue
Tools Required
- Miter saw and/or circular saw
- Kreg pocket hole jig
- Jig saw or band saw
- Drill / driver combo
- Pocket hole parallel clamps
- Quick clamps
- Tape measure
- Square
- Sander and sand paper
Step 1: Build the Post and Supports
The central post of these outdoor pub table plans consists of the eight 2×6 boards cut to 39″ in length. Drill pocket screw holes every 6″ on one edge of each board. Use wood glue and the 2 1/2″ pocket hole screws to secure the boards into 4 sets of two boards as shown in the first picture below. Then cut out your support boards. These can be simple triangles if you prefer, or you can follow the suggested pattern below. Once you have your eight supports cut, you’re going to use wood glue and the 3″ wood screws from the inside to secure two of these to each set of 2x6s. On the edge where you have pocket holes drilled, the support should be flush along the outer edge of the 2×6. The other support should be inset 1 1/2″ from the edge. Both should be set down 1 1/2″ from the top edge of the post.
Now that you have the supports in place it is time to assemble the four pieces into the post. These outdoor pub table plans are designed so that the one board overlaps the other in each of the four corners. Use the fourth picture below as a reference. You will use wood glue and the pre-drilled pocket holes to join these pieces together. I will note that if you have a longer driver, it will be difficult to get the last set of pocket hole screws in. It is also ok to use the 3″ wood screws to secure the boards from the outside. You’ll just have several exposed screw heads on the finished piece.
Step 2: Build the pub table base
The pedestal base of these outdoor pub table plans is pretty straight forward. Cut all of your pieces to length and then we’ll start by assembling the vertical boards. Drill three pocket holes the top edge of each of these boards. We’ll use them for attaching the horizontal footrest later.
I recommend using the post built in Step 1 above as a guide as you are assembling this piece to ensure the spacing is correct and that the post will fit in the base later. Use wood glue and the 3″ exterior wood screws to attach all of these boards. You will wind up with exposed screw heads for this piece, but since it is below the footrest they won’t be too noticeable. You will want the pocket holes of the outer boards facing the inside so they are not visible. There should still be enough room to get your driver bit in.
For the horizontal boards, you’re again going to want to have the post in place to ensure the spacing is correct. I like to use pocket hole screws on the underside of the two shorter boards to pull the longer boards tight. I also first assemble the four pieces upside down (around the post) then remove it from the post, flip it over, then put it back in place. Use the pocket holes in the vertical boards to secure the horizontal boards without exposed screws.
Step 3: Build the pub table top
The top of this pub table consists of two layers of 2×6 boards, however the lower layer is going to need the four outer boards ripped to 2″ in width. We’ll start with the top layer though. Take the five pieces that are 27 1/2″ long, and use exterior grade wood glue and pocket hole screws to secure these boards together. The pocket hole screws should be on the under side.
Now we’re going to assemble the lower layer. You’ll need to use pocket hole screws and wood glue to attach all of these boards together, but this time on the top side of the boards. By doing this, all of the pocket hole screws will be hidden. Like the pedestal base, I also like to build the lower frame around the post to ensure everything fits together correctly. Once you have both layers assembled, use 3″ wood screws from the underside to join the two layers. If you plan we’ll, you can align the screw heads to be hidden above the supports coming out of the post.
Step 4: Sand, finish and assemble the pub table components
Now that you have the three separate components built, it is a good idea time to give the whole pub table a good sanding and to apply whatever finish you want to use.
After the finish has dried you can put the pieces together. Slide the post into the pedestal base with both pieces laying on their side. From inside the post, put one 3″ screw through each side of the post into the base to hold them together. Then set the pub table upright and set the top in place. Drive one 3″ wood screw the underside of the top at an angle so it goes into the top of the post. Alternatively, you can drill and use a single pocket hole screw on each side of the top.
We hope you enjoyed these outdoor pub table plans, and have checked out the rest of our outdoor plans. As always, if you have any questions reach out to us via the Comments section below. And if you do build something based on any of our plans, we’d love for you to share your experience and some pictures with us through our Submit Your Build page.
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